Sexual Misconduct in The Workplace

Episode 36: Sexual Misconduct in The Workplace

Kaitlin Forbes joins me to discuss her experience with sexual misconduct in a cooperate environment, and for the first time shares her full story and experience.

Show notes

Recent media attention surrounding sexual misconduct has brought this issue into sharp public view. Media companies, the entertainment industry, and political institutions have grappled with reports of long-standing sexual misconduct within their midst as more women and men begin to report inappropriate behaviors.

The amount of employees who experience sexual misconduct in the workplace is estimated to be between 25 to 85%, and these are only the stories we hear about.

Sexual misconduct can include physical, verbal, nonverbal, and written jokes. Even playful gestures that are unwanted fall under this category.

Kaitlin Forbes joins me to discuss her experience with sexual misconduct in a cooperate environment, and for the first time shares her full story and experience. For those of you who are holding on to a story, or a secret that is harmful; this bold and inspiring woman is the person to listen to, to begin finding your own voice and protecting yourself and others.

Produced by Matty Rosenberg and Jennifer Hammoud @ Radio Free Rhiniecliff



Kaitlin Forbes

Kaitlin Forbes

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